Some gorgeous images of our good friends Megan and her husband Ben. Here's one that Greg took of Megan using natural window light. Click on any image to enlarge.
A beautiful image of Megan and her mother.
Megan and her grandmother.
A couple shots of Ben relaxing just shortly before the ceremony.Ben with his mother and father. Click to enlarge.
Some shots of Megan and Ben soon after the ceremony. These were taken at the beautiful Holy Trinity Church in Avon.
The couple and their bridal party went to Olmsted Falls park for their official bridal pictures.
Greg loves to shoot for sharp foregrounds and soft backgrounds.
Megan and Ben with the groomsmen.
And their lovely bridesmaids.
The lovely Megan and Ben.
Megan and Ben had a gorgeous classic Corvette to travel in during their wedding day.
The reception was held at the historical and exquisite Columbia Ballroom. If you would like beautiful images like me (Christine) to set up an appointment to meet with Greg as dates for 2018 are now booking.